halloween fun
It's been an odd week. Not bad, just kinda weird. Eric left town Friday to see his sister's baby (Dilan Preston) so I've been all on my lonesome since then. It's interesting because Eric and I haven't spent much time apart in the almost 4 years we've been together. Barring him being in Seattle a few days and me being in Korea for about a week, we haven't really spent nights apart. Friday Heather and I went down to Denver to get haircuts and to hang out. It was really nice, I think I kinda like Denver. I still need to spend more time there, but I'm discovering more and more about it that I like. After getting my hair cut, we went to a gypsy coffee house and then to a really cute thrift store. We were going dancing that night so we were kinda half-heartedly looking for a costume to wear. Lucky for us, the store had a bin of old lady wigs. We each bought one ($10 each) and decided to be grandmas for Halloween.
We thought it would be a good thing: two girls out dancing, sans boyfriends mind you, and dressed as old ladies, we wouldn't get hit on, right? No. Apparently that's not the case. You see there is definitely a Halloween trend that girls get dressed up as slutty as possible for the one night they can get away with it. We thought we'd be safe looking like this:
We got hit on a lot though, I couldn't believe it. Perhaps it was the sisters thing. Guys kept asking me if we were twins (maybe it was the matching wigs and glasses...?). Anyways, it was a good time overall but I can't believe how aggressive guys are nowadays. I haven't been in the dating world for a long time now so I wasn't aware that suddenly it's ok for a guy to come up to you on the dance floor and try to kiss you. Nasty. Other than the pushing guys away all night, it was really fun. I love going dancing.
Last night I went to a party at Lauren and Joe's. It was cool, I had more fun than I expected to.
Guess we're all caught up...Eric gets home tomorrow night and I'm glad. I miss him. I'm jealous he gets to see all of our friends and all the babies. I'll be there in a little under two months though, so watch out.