All Things Must Pass

Friday, October 06, 2006

Environmental anomaly

I seriously believe that I am probably the only person in the country to have had 3 spiders crawl on me within a 2 month period. Life just isn't fair. One was when I was sitting on the couch, calmly watching tv with Eric and this little thing (about the size of a dime, ewwww) scurries across my chest. I, of course, flipped out and starting jumping all around. Eric eventually killed that one. Then, one night I went into the bathroom right before bed and was carrying the shirt I was about to put on for PJs and this little spider goes scurrying up my leg. Luckily I have deadly aim and I swatted it with the shirt. Eric killed that one too. Then today, I'm driving in my car to pick Eric up for lunch and I feel something climbing into the sleeve of my shirt and, of course, its a spider. Luckily I was in Webroot's parking lot because I slammed on the brakes and starting freaking out. That could've been a dangerous situation. Now I'm scared to drive my car because I can't control my freakouts and that spider got away so it's lurking in there somewhere, waiting to crawl on me again. If I die in a mysterious automobile accident within the next few weeks, you guys will all know why.

So the day has finally arrived...Eric and i are taking the GRE tomorrow. Let's hope this time's better than last time. Not that last time was awful, just disappointing. I've changed my strategy this time, as well as my entire life plan. My new plan is to apply at CU Boulder for an MA in Linguistics. It's always something I've been interested in, so why not? It's also much more likely that I will get in with my current degree than the other program I was interested in. So now my studying plan for the GRE was basically "I'm not worried about Math, I'm going to bulk up my vocabulary" and that's what I've been doing. This program wants at least a 550 on the verbal portion and I'm hoping for at least a 600. If any of you have ever taken the GRE, you know that this will be a tough score to achieve, even if you're as super-smart as I am :). That test is a bitch, let me tell you. And if you are considering taking it, I offer you this advice: start studying now. It's not the SAT, you can't just breeze through it without a lick of studying, as I tried to do the first time around. Anyways, wish me (and Eric) luck. To cap off the end of the test, we're going to see Clap Your Hands Say Yeah! at the Boulder Theater tomorrow night. Should be a great show, I'm pretty psyched.
Boulder is quite pretty in the fall, huh?


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