All Things Must Pass

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

long overdue update

It's been far too long, I know. I make no apologies, I just wasn't really feeling like posting anything. Now I'm back, but with very little to actually write about. Here's what has happened to me within the past 6 months (in no particular order):

-I quit my job at the end of December. I had to have surgery and my boss refused me the time off...good riddance.
-I had surgery on my uterus for fibroids and my ovaries for endometriosis and endometriomas which, so far, appears to be a success.
-I went home for Christmas and got to see almost all of my favorite people in the world.
-I am having a very difficult time finding another job (Boulder is a really tough town to find a job in).
-I am heading back east to go to Florida with my family this Friday. I'll be gone for 10 days and then return to resume the job search.
-I went to Seattle for Thanksgiving to visit Eric's grandparents and I really like it there. It's on my list for options of places to move.
-I decided I'm going to try again for graduate school, this time applying to several different schools and programs, aiming for starting in the Fall of '09.
-Eric got a new job with a company called GarageGames and he now works from home. Therefore, we are wide open to move anywhere, depending on where/if I get into grad school.
-I applied to substitute teach for Boulder County (which actually requires a hell of a lot of effort, not like in GA) and got screwed over for this school year. I won't be able to start until next school year.
-I registered to take the CBEST, the basic skills test for anyone wanting to obtain an education degree/career in California. I think I'm going to ace it.
-I've read about 20 books. It's fantastic to be reading regularly again.
-I've learned to knit, both with a loom and with knitting needles. I made about 7 hats and am at the tail end of my first scarf.
-I saw Wilco live for the first time. I was very very pleased.
-I joined Facebook.
-I have gotten really into yoga.

For 6 months of time passed, not much has really happened. I hope these fun facts have been enough to catch you up on my life. I will post pictures of Florida when I'm back, it should be a good time despite the fact that three 16 year old girls will be involved.
Kitty Cuteness:


Blogger Unknown said...

yay for update! how was florida?

8:22 PM, April 07, 2008  

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