All Things Must Pass

Sunday, October 08, 2006

just clap your hands

Holy Moly, what a show. I haven't seen such an inspired and completely intense and energetic show in a really long time. And I have been going to some pretty incredible shows!! If Clap Your Hands Say Yeah comes to your town, folks, make an appearance. I guarantee it will be worth your while. In fact, if you don't believe me after this story, I'll eat my hat:

I got puked on tonight for (as far as I can remember) the very first time. Random drunk girl (AGAIN!!! At the same venue!!!) was of course sitting behind me and I eventually felt a kind of intense drip on my neck, which I was hoping was spilled beer. However, it was not cold. So I began to wonder...I turned to Eric and said "I think either someone just spilled beer on me or I just got puked on." I had him look at my neck and at the same time analyze the person behind me for any post-vomit signs. Apparently she was still bent over so technically she could've spilled her drink...or puked on me. So Eric, my hero, turned to her friend and said "Hey guy. Did your friend just spill her beer or did she spew?" The guy replied "I'd say its about a 70% chance that she just spewed." At this point I flipped out a bit. I'm a germophobic...Eric had to walk me to the bar and...I'll spare you the details. Anyways, how rock n' roll is that?

Despite the incredible disgustingness of this night (did I mention that I still feel a kind of burning on the area where it fell?) this was seriously an amazing show. If Clap Your Hands can give me a second album that is as good as the first, they might be my new favorite band. For now.


Blogger Sara said...

GROSS. That's totally gross. But I'm glad you had fun anyway. Yay for concerts!

2:06 AM, October 08, 2006  

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