All Things Must Pass

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

the wedding

It's been a little while, I know. Like I said, we were booked up most of last week with wedding stuff. The rehearsal/dinner was ok, Eric and I practiced our usherly duties and then headed out to Old Chicago's for the dinner part. After that we went back to our place and had Elgn and his friends over for whiskey and cigars for his lat night of freedom. It was supposed to be a boy thing but it was at our place and I don't have any girl friends, so there I was. It was an okay time, Elgn's friends from Kansas came as well as his father. I crashed early when they all started talking about guns and computers.
The next day was the wedding and they couldn't have had better weather. It got to be around 80 degrees and the skies were perfectly blue. Eric and I were in a few of the pictures and then the wedding finally started. We were perfect ushers, I'm sure. The rehearsal was fun but we were exhausted and headed out around 10:30. Overall a smooth and happy occasion.
Sunday Eric and I had the day to ourselves. It was gorgeous outside, record highs for this time of year. We went on a bike ride early in the day and ended up biking around 8-10 miles (I think) and I got a healthy sunburn. Later in the day we went out to a restaurant we've been meaning to try since we've been here-The Med. We went several times and it was always a 45 minute wait so we never stuck it out. On Sunday afternoon, however, we got right in and it was a great place. It reminded me a lot of Noche in the Highlands in Atlanta. Me, Eric and Baran always used to go there on Sundays back in the day. Now we have a replacement. Shortly after that I really started to feel the effects of my sunburn and was ready to call it a day.
Monday I found out that my boss is changing my position at work. Usually I'm in the front area, checking patients in and out. Now he wants me in the back area, basically shadowing him while he treats patients and writing everything down in the patients' files. It's thrown a cog in the wheel of my Life Plan. I like this part of the job much better than the job I had before. It's making me rethink if I want to quit just yet. Nothing settled for sure yet, but it is definitely an improvement. Now I just need a raise.

So we're all caught up. Now I'm just trying to tie up loose ends with the Italy trip. We leave on Tuesday and I've gotten some lists written out for packing and instructions for Baran while we're gone. Other than that (and packing), I suppose it's just a waiting game.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You write very well.

2:31 AM, November 11, 2008  

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