All Things Must Pass

Monday, August 20, 2007

i need to change my profile picture

I don't even look like that anymore! My hair is a different cut and color and I have different glasses!
So camping was...interesting. It did rain, hailed in fact. As I predicted, rain and tent-camping is not super fun. Everything gets muddy and wet and we were at 10,000 feet elevation so it was also cold. Yeah, not super fun. We did see moose (meese? mooses?) though. Our friends got to see 2, we only saw the one. It was cool.

Friday, August 17, 2007

I need a haircut. If I were at home, I'd post a picture of my current hair, but I'm at work so I can't. I think this may only happen to people with short to medium hair, but do you ever just wake up one day and your hair that was looking so good the day before is suddenly just letting you down? It no longer does anything you want it do and sure, it's possible you'll get another few days scattered hither and thither where it looks right again, but overall your haircut has run its course. That always happens to me. However, I am trying to grow my hair out, so I'm waiting. And I will start to use bobby pins.

Eric and I are going camping this weekend with our friends Ryan and Miki. We're camping in a state park called State Forest State Park which, for some reason, is wildly amusing to me. You really should check out that link, some of their phrases/sentences scare the crap out of me. I may not come back alive: "The ultimate in rugged Colorado," "Never Summer Range"...yikes. I'm excited though, I like camping. The best part is the fire, by far. Also, that park is best known for their moose sightings. We saw a baby moose in Rocky Moutain National Park and it was really cool. But when we talked to the ranger about it, he said moose are really aggressive. I think they're just plain cute. This will also more than likely be my first experience with Camping + Rain - Camper. We're going tent only, so let's hope it doesn't rain too terribly much.

Next weekend Eric's parents are coming out for their inaugural visit. Our house is a mess, but you'll all be pleased to know that I used my half workday on Wednesday to clean out our closet and scrub down the bathroom (except for the toilet, I can't bring myself to clean makes me gag so Eric did that part). However, that half day is truly the only time I had/will have free until they come. Eric really wanted to camp this weekend, so there goes that. I'm working all day Monday-Thursday of next week and they're flying in on Friday. Oh well. Not my parents ;). They're staying at a hotel anyways, so there won't be too much face time with our place. It's also Eric's birthday next Saturday, so it's nice that they'll be in town for that.

Speaking of birthdays, I had a lovely birthday. I got a lot of awesome presents: Eric got me a really cool ceramic coffee mug that he found in an art store, a purse from the same art store, an American Apparel hoodie (they're the best hoodies ever) and a really huge internal hard drive for my mac. Heather got me some beautiful stationary (which I've been asking for). Miki and Ryan got me a couple books from their favorite Japanese author (translated of course). My mom got me an awesome outfit from JCrew (seen here in heather graphite/muslin and here in deep amber). It's the first year that it's dawned on me that I could just send her links to exactly what I want and she will get it for me! None of her guessing my fashion tastes or anything, just getting exactly what I want! I loved it, it was such a pleasant surprise. So yeah, I'm pretty sure that's all I got. But it was good stuff.
That's it for me, have a good weekend and wish me luck to not get rained on while being attacked by a moose!

Thursday, August 09, 2007

2.5 months later

I haven't really had much to say in the last few months. I still don't really have much to say, but I figured the silence has lasted too long. I'm trying to think of important things that have happened in the last 2.5 months...I've been working a lot. There was a point where I was completely ready to quit my job and I went out and put in applications at restaurants around Boulder. Nothing came of that, so I'm still here at the chiropractor's office and recently things haven't been so bad. My new, improved plan is to hold out until the middle of December, quit my job, go home for Christmas and then have surgery in January, after which I will have a good 4 non-drugged-up weeks to find another job. We'll see how that goes.
In other good news, Jee is coming back to the states for a few weeks. I'm really excited to see her. Combined with her visit will be my first journey to LA, where Justin lives and Jee is flying into. I'll head out there (by my lonesome, Eric couldn't take the time off) for a long weekend and then she'll come back here to CO with me, shortly followed by Ted (flying in from San Fran for the week). It's exciting to see almost all of my best friends in one week's time.
What's my birthday. I'm 25 years old, a quarter century. I like birthdays, but I'm working all day for this one. I only have to work 4 hours tomorrow though, so that's a small consolation. No plans that I'm aware of, as of yet. Eric is planning something I think. So far I've gotten a really cool ceramic coffee mug from Eric. And we'll go out to dinner tonight.
Here's a list of some stuff that's happened since I last posted:
-Baran left town a week ago for San Diego. Godspeed.
-We went camping at Lake Carter, which was beautiful.
-We've done a fair amount of hiking, including a Foothills hike, which we'd yet to do even though we live 5 minutes from them.
-We visited Lakeside Amusement Park for my friend Case's birthday. It was fun but there are too many spinny rides.
-Our outside kitties got new homes.
-We went to Virginia/Washington DC for Eric's cousin's wedding.
That's all I can think of. It's been a pretty uneventful summer, despite the fact that it's felt like a madhouse.