All Things Must Pass

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

playin' catch up

Quite a lot has happened since I last updated. As I said in my last post, Eric's sister Kristen was in town last week visiting. She got in Tuesday night and left Sunday morning and our week was jam-packed in between and it was a rip-roaring good time. I would extrapolate, but I'll bet Eric wants to post about it on our shared blog, so I'll let him do the honors.

In other news, I'm exhausted. We went nonstop from Wednesday until this very moment (almost). This is literally the first moment I've had to just sit and do nothing (besides post to my blog). I can't decide if I'm just extremely overwraught or if I'm getting sick. Eric is at trivia right now, but I just couldn't make it. Nothing sounded better to me tonight than sitting on the couch (currently watching Gilmore Girls) with the cats.

I can't decide if I completely hate my job or if I just...don't like it. A thin line, I know, but there is a line. I don't think I've had a single job that I've liked in my entire life...waiting tables was ok, but that was more the people I worked with that made it good, not the job itself. Anyways, my point is that it would be normal for me to dislike my job, that seems to be a trend in my life. It would not, however, be normal for me to sit complacently in a job that I absolutely loathe. I don't like the girl that I work with. She and I had an argument today about the HPV vaccination. She was appalled to learn that it exists. She was like "But it's a sexually transmitted disease, EW!!!!" I don't really see how that's an argument so I said "It's not like it gives people a free pass to have all the sex they want, there are still other diseases...are you a Republican?" I have no idea why anyone (besides our own government) would be against protecting women from a cancer-causing virus. How would that ever ever be a bad thing? Also, when she gets upset over something (which happens at least 3-4 times a week and lasts the entire day) she flips the hell out and starts sighing really loudly and throwing stuff around like a two year old. Then on top of that, there's my boss. He is a pretty good guy overall, but there are just tons of little things about him that I can't stand. Both he and Deirdre (the Republican) are super-anal and I am very much not. I just feel like I don't fit in there, mostly because I don't. So my question is, is that enough for me to start looking elsewhere? The pay is okay (not great) and I really do enjoy being treated there. The doc does know what he's doing, I'll give him that. But I know this isn't going anywhere for me. I plan to be in school this time next year and there's no reason (besides the hell that is job-searching) for me to stick around in a job that I hate.

So that's what's going on in my mind.


Blogger caleb said...

ditch the job? why is that a hard decision?

12:22 PM, September 01, 2006  
Blogger kelly said...

job searching sucks. it's the damn truth. and i job-searched here for the first 3 and a half weeks to no avail. it's hard to find work in boulder.

6:08 PM, September 01, 2006  
Blogger caleb said...

street performer. brush up on the piano skills and get to it.

9:44 AM, September 02, 2006  
Blogger Sara said...

I forgot -- where do you work? At a doctor's office, of course, but what kind of doctor?

Hm. This is tricky. I absolutely hate looking for a job. I had the some of the same feelings at my last job -- I didn't hate it, but I didn't like it, either. And I felt bad about not liking it. Luckily, a friend found my new job for me . . . I still don't love my job, but it's a little faster-paced than the last one, which makes me feel better.

I often wonder, though, if I ever will love a job. Is it possible? If I don't love my job, does that mean I should make a career change? Or do I just dislike working deep-down in my soul or something? OR would I enjoy some kind of manual labor or assembly line type stuff -- something that doesn't require a lot of mental exertion?

Who knows. I certainly don't. I guess my advice is to casually look for another job. If something catches your eye, apply. I know, I know -- people always say, "It's easy to find a job when you already have one." But I think it probably is true. And even if the doctor is a good one, the stress from a frustrating job just might not be worth it. I'm realizing, too, that having somebody you enjoy working with makes a HUGE difference. (Besides, I think you need to find someone who is a better example of a republican . . .) :)

12:44 PM, September 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, jobs suck. go for the career.
or get a job with a great 401k program-don't pay the gov't, pay for your future!

6:20 PM, September 13, 2006  

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