All Things Must Pass

Monday, March 05, 2007

This weekend was pretty good but I was in a strange state the whole time. On Friday I went to the mall to try to find something for Jess's bridal shower. I wanted to get her a nice classy silk nightie or something but the mall is useless. I just ended up getting her a gift card to Victoria's Secret. When I got home I got to sit around for awhile with the kitties (Zoe and Spider have taken to sitting on my lap together, which is cute but makes it doubly hard to ever get up) before Ryan, Miki and Eric came home and we headed out for sushi. There was a wait at Sushi Zanmai (of course) so we went next door to the super Japanese place and they talked us into getting a whole bottle of sake which we proceeded to finish between me, Ryan and Eric. It was a fun night overall, we went back to the house to play Wii and I headed off to bed around 10:45. That's the strange part; I NEVER am the first person to poop out when people are over, it was very strange. I woke up feeling a bit better on Saturday. Eric and I ran a few errands before I had to head out to Jess's party. It was ok...not nearly as terrifying as I expected it to be. I think Jess had a good time.
From there, Eric picked me up around 9 and we headed out to Robert Randolph and the Family Band. It was a sold out show filled to the brim with yuppies and frat boys. I was extremely freaked out by the crowd, when the Fox sells out they must oversell tickets. I've been to several sold-out shows at other venues here in CO and I always find somewhere that I can stand and not be touched by people...I hate standing at a show and every 3 seconds someone bumps into me or the person behind me has their groin in my butt, etc. It's awful. I had a bit of a melt-down and had to leave the show early. I'm not claustrophobic really about small spaces but crowds...they get to me. I felt really bad b/c in my freakout I was mean to Eric. We worked it out though. See what I mean so far about being in a strange state?
So on Sunday we woke up and headed out to Louisville to meet our pals Ryan and Miki at Huckleberry's (a very popular restaurant for breakfast) and then headed to their house to watch episodes of Freaks and Geeks, their favorite show that they like to share w/ us. It was a really good Sunday morning/afternoon. From there we headed out to bowling as usual. I'd started to feel really strange and sinusy and that continued throughthe night. By the time we got home around 8, I was beat. I went to bed around 10:30 and woke up around the same time in the a.m. Now I'm feeling pretty normal but I wonder what it was...
Today is the 4th anniversary for Eric and me. Yay! He's a great guy, I'm a lucky girl. We're going out to L'Absinthe, a nice restaurant here in Boulder that we haven't tried yet. I hope it's yummy!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

a) congrats on 4 years.
b) were you able to purchase absinthe at L'Absinthe?
c) I freak out in crowded places as well...I don't like people to touch me. Me+WalMart=anxiety attack. I hate walmart

10:34 AM, April 02, 2007  

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