All Things Must Pass

Friday, March 09, 2007

for those about to rock

Had an interesting day yesterday...there's a bit of backstory though--
I can't remember if I posted about it way back when but during my second ski lesson, I hurt my big toe on my left foot pretty badly. This was in December of last year I think. The boots I rented were apparently too small and I skiied in them anyways. They hurt my feet all day long but the kicker was when I had picked up too much speed on a hill and was about to ski right into a forbidden zone so I had to fall. In the course of my fall, my legs got buried in a few feet of snow and were also all tangled up w/ the skis so, inevitably, I hurt my toe during the process of getting up. I was pretty much down for the count after that, I couldn't finish out the lesson it hurt so bad.
I limped my way back to the car and took the boot off and the toenail was cracked in 2 places, one split all the way down to the bed and the other about halfway. It hurt for the next few days and eventually I developed a black toenail. I ignored it because it eventually quit hurting.
Enter Tuesday night: I was laying in bed noticed my toenail felt kinda funny. I reached down and felt it and I was right, something was up. I pulled my foot out from the covers and looked at it; the root of the nail was raised about a half inch off of the nail bed. I was thinking "hm, that's weird" but mostly didn't worry about it.
Enter Wednesday night: I noticed again that my toenail was feeling awfully strange. Pulled it out from the covers, prodded it a bit and freaked out. My toenail was almost completely detached from the rest of my toe. The entire thing. Yuck. I got really upset, my friend Jeff's girlfriend dropped a table on her toenail and it came all the way off and now the docs are telling her it's infected and will probably never grow back...and just in time for summer w/ sandals and pedicures and cute shoes...
The next morning we called around for podiatrists to see what I'm supposed to do. One office was nice enough to squeeze me in to take it off in a safe and sanitary way. I was technically working all day (9-6ish) but they agreed to get me in around 1. I called my boss to make sure that was okay and he was like "Well I guess I don't really have a choice." which I just couldn't believe. My toenail was hanging off, I don't get any kind of sympathy or understanding, just him being an asshole. I went anyways and the entire process was pretty interesting. If anyone cares, I'll write it out in detail but for now, suffice it to say that they removed my toenail. The doc said that it's already 40% grown in so that's a really good sign. It feels really weird walking around with only a partial toenail.
I think we're going skiing again tomorrow. This will be my first time going without a lesson involved, I'll be completely on my own (besides Eric who says there's no way he could leave me alone).
The weather's definitely perking up here, I don't know how it's been for the rest of you guys. We've had temperatures in the 60's for almost 2 weeks now and it's supposed to be the same all next week. I keep hearing the March is the month for the worst snow storm but people are saying it'll probably only be one more and then SPRING!!!


Blogger Sara said...

That's gross. But also very interesting. I had an ingrown toenail removed once -- trust me; I can handle any toe story.

I'm glad your big toenail will be back for the summer, though. I know how you love sandals . . .

4:18 PM, March 09, 2007  

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